Howdy, hullo! First up, there’s a new couple pages of ASSROOM SEASON 6 up for your eye holes (that sounded just as weird to me), and we’re delving further into the aftermath surrounding Mags’s family’s dramatic exit!
Click here to join the ASSROOM party to read, and here’s your sneak peekage!
Now on to the cryptids! First up, I finished my CRYPTIDS OF UTAH gathering the other day:
Lots of delightful creatures to be found there for sure, but let me just say this exists in the world, iykyk:
Why did you all have to see that monstrosity? Because I had to WE’RE ALL IN THIS RODEO TOGETHER.
Anyhoo, I digress. In getting ready for the holidays I compiled a cute little booklet of Texas cryptids that I just sent off to the printer - if it does well I want to do one for each state. But Texas for start, since that is where I’m hanging my hat. Oh jeez, speaking of hats, my hubs and I took a weekend trip to Hill Country this past weekend and DEAR LORD so many hats and habadasheries galore. More like HAT Country, amirite??
Okay my friends, until next time when I get to bore y’all with more news! Mwa!